The Pants On Fire Double Header: Family/Friendly or Filthy Freaky
Join us as we host Portland’s wildest and most interactive comedy and storytelling entertainment event with Pants On Fire! at the historic White Eagle Hotel & Saloon.
As always, you’ll hear eight of the Norhtwest’s premier storytellers, comedians, artists, writers, celebrities & musicians telling some of the most outrageous, hard-to-believe, 100% true stories you've ever heard — except that one of our storytellers will be lying to your face, telling a complete whopper that never happened.
And as always, if you can guess which of our storytellers is the liar, you could win an overnight stay at the Edgefield Winery on us. Or you can try to win the Bag O’ Somewhat Valuable Prizes with our Two Truths & A Lie Audience Cage Match!
But this time, you have two Pants On Fire! shows to choose from.
Our early show, Pants On Fire: Family/Friendly, will be all ages, featuring eight of the most amazing, hard-to-believe s stories you’ll ever hear — one of them, of course, being entirely made up. It will be a great early-evening affair, and the first time we’ve ever done a Pants On Fire! where young adults can join in the fun. (Please note that although the show is all-ages, many stories will likely be more PG-13 than G; as such it is recommended for young adults and adults.)
Our Family/Friendly show features new (mostly) true stories from 7DS Saturnalia’s Alina Aliyar, Kevin Allison’s RISK! and Mystery Box alum Oz Du Soleil, The Moth’s Dave Williams, The Moth Radio Hour featured storytellers Kahlie Towle and Scott Sanders, raconteur John Wylder, 7DS fan fave Pat McCreery, and more!
6:00 PM at the White Eagle
Our late show, Pants On Fire: Filthy/Freaky, will be 21 and over only, and will feature eight incredibly sinful, decidedly not-safe-for-work stories that will be just as amazing and hard-to-believe as the ones form the early show.
Our Filthy/Freaky show features new (mostly) true stories from Things I Hid From My Dad’s Travis Abels, PDX comedian and Porch Hang Radio Hour’s Ash Allen, actor, director, and producer of Story Pirates Bradford Jordan, The Moth Grand Slam winner and Absolute Worst host Meg Ferrill, standup comic Star Dell’era, actress, writer, and Portland radio legend Daria Eliuk, Pants On Fire fan favorite Jen Tinsley, PNW marketing savant Melissa Ives, and more!
9:00 PM at the White Eagle
So pick a show, grab your tix, and come out to hear a night of the best stories you’ll ever not believe. It’s going to be a blast.